A timber cleaner for removing tannins and extractives for new and all unpainted timber.
Remove tannins and extractives.
Remove mill glaze to allow penetration of the coating.
Don’t have to wait for the timber to weather before applying coatings.
Typical Applications
All timbers under 12 months old where full weathering hasn’t yet occurred.
300g container will clean approximately 25-30m2 of decking and 50m2 of vertical surfaces.
Application Method
By hose, brush or roller.
Good preparation is key to a professional looking, long lasting finish:
1. Dissolve 300g in 5 litres of hot water.
2. Apply with a brush or garden spray.
3. Agitate with a stiff broom or brush to bring to the surface tannins and extractives.
4. Leave on for 15-30 minutes.
5. Wash off with a strong jet of water (preferably a power wash) to rid the surface of any residual
cleaner and tannins brought to the surface.
Vertical surfaces
1. Dissolve 300g in 10 litres of hot water.
2. Apply as above.