Intergrain Enviropro Squeaky Clean
A multi-purpose water based timber floor cleaner that helps to maintain the appearance of timber floor finishes. It is suitable for use on coated timber, parquetry floors and floating floors, as well as hard surfaces such as vinyl, tiles and sealed concrete. Squeaky Clean helps to remove scuff marks, black heal marks and stains, and leaves a streak free finish. Highly recommended for timber floors coated with Intergrain Enviropro floor finishes.
Methods: Damp mop
1. Dust mop the floor to remove any loose dirt, dust or grit.
2. Add approximately 50mls of Squeaky Clean concentrate (2 capfuls) to 4L of cold or lukewarm water. DO NOT use hot water.
3. Apply solution with a damp mop and allow it to dry.
Squeaky Clean can also be used undiluted to assist in the removal of black heel marks or stubborn stains
Squeaky Clean should not be used on fresh coatings that are less than 2 weeks old.